Debunking a Few Myths About Virtual Selling

By Ed Emde

COVID-19 and current market trends are driving our customers to change their sales approach. Salespeople once accustomed to selling in person are now confronted with selling via email, telephone, digital platforms, and social media. Salespeople are struggling to access and engage customers in this new environment.

As a result, there has been an enormous amount of attention brought to anything that has the word virtual associated with it: virtual meetings, virtual learning, virtual teams, and, of course, virtual selling. The reasons are obvious, perfectly understandable, and largely appropriate.

As with anything getting this much attention, there is a lot of good that comes from it. Unfortunately, along with the good has come some misinterpretation of the challenges for sales and confusion about how to respond to those challenges.

For example, we have seen a number of providers hastily prepare and market programs (or perhaps the other way around—market and then prepare programs) as the answer. We are also getting inquiries asking for help with virtual selling or, in many cases, asking for our “Virtual Selling” program. The implied assumption behind this request seems to be that the solution to the challenges sales organizations are experiencing is a training program focused on virtual selling skills.

Although some specific virtual skills training is almost certainly an important component of meeting the current challenges, a more thoughtful, systemic approach to sales effectiveness is required to move the needle on sales performance.

Ed Emde

Ed负责Wilson Learning美洲地区的业务战略和运营。过去的25年中,ED与企业高管保持着紧密的合作,将人力资源发展、组织发展、培训和教育与客户企业的战略需求和业务结果相连接。他曾在多家知名的的培训和组织发展机构担任总裁和首席执行官等领导职务。他曾多次成功地使组织扭亏为盈,以及企业的收购、合并和整合。ED的文章多次发表在印刷杂志和在线商业出版物上,其中包括《CLO》杂志和《Training》杂志。