getting to yes by roger fisher and william ury getting to yes by roger fisher and william ury

Getting to Yes:

Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

By William L. Ury博士, Roger Fisher

ISBN-10: 0140157352
ISBN-13: 978-0140157352

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Getting to Yes has sold over two million copies worldwide making it the best selling book in negotiations. It is recognized as one of the most effective and practical guides to negotiation and has helped millions of people secure win-win outcomes in constructive negotiations. This book cuts through the jargon to a few easily remembered principles that will guide you to success, no matter what the other side does.

William L. Ury博士

William Ury博士与Wilson Learning合作多年。Ury博士是“哈佛谈判项目”的联合创始人和杰出高级研究员。他是《谈判力》(Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In)一书的合著者,这是一本发行1500万册、被翻译成35多种语言的畅销书。他还著有获奖作品《无法说不:从对抗到合作的谈判》(Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations)。书中的谈判技巧成为了Wilson Learning《成功的谈判技巧》课程的基础。