unplugged: how to organizations lose their energy and how to get it back unplugged: how to organizations lose their energy and how to get it back


How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back

By Steve Buchholz博士, Tom Roth

ISBN-10: 1732727708
ISBN-13: 978-1732727700

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This book begins with a question: What takes the human energy out of an organization and how to get it back? Unplugged is about understanding what happens to employees when they lose their way amidst change, when they become unplugged from purpose, connection, direction, meaning, and value. When they, in a word, lose their energy. The book provides a fresh look at engagement as a choice employees make based on how they perceive the change and on how much discretionary energy they will give to the endeavor.

Steve Buchholz博士

Steve Buchholz博士是Emergence公司的创始人和总裁,该公司致力于“帮助发现人们的潜力”。 Buchholz博士是变革管理领域公认的领导者。他和Harry Woodward博士共同撰写了商业畅销书《震惊之后:帮助人们渡过公司变革》(After Shock: Helping People Trough Corporate Change)。Buchholz博士写的另外两本书是《积极的管理者》(The Positive Managers)和《创建高绩效团队》(Creating High-Performance Team)。

Buchholz博士此前的经历包括担任Wilson Learning的副总裁,负责研究商业趋势和将研究结果转化为提供给企业的培训学习内容。他是Inventure集团的创始合伙人,这是一家专注于领导力和提供教练服务的公司。Wilson Learning与Buchholz博士保持着长期的合作关系。

Tom Roth

Tom Roth是Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc.(美国)的首席运营官和Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc.(日本)的总裁,他拥有40多年的人力绩效提升解决方案开发和实施的经验,负责Wilson Learnin全球集团的战略方向和业务绩效。此外,他还领导全球营销服务和解决方案研发部门,负责所有解决方案和价值主张白皮书的研发。他在员工敬业度、领导力发展、战略调整和业务转型相关领域,为全球的领导团队提供协助。在担任现任职务之前,他曾担任全球研发和解决方案研发部门总裁,也曾担任Wilson Learning Corporation的总裁。

Tom Roth在开发和实施人力绩效提升解决方案领域拥有丰富的经验。他合著了《如何使企业重新找回活力》(英文原文),《创建高性能团队》(英文)的,并在众多商业出版物上发表过文章。他是一位在国内、国际会议和客户活动上活跃的演讲者,涉及内容广泛,其中包括:领导力、员工参与度、变革和战略实施。