man talking to business team man talking to business team

Becoming a Leader People Choose to Follow

Effective Leadership Development

By Tom Roth

In times of constant change and ongoing uncertainty, it’s easy for leaders to get caught up into thinking their role is to just keep people’s energy and focus alive in all of the chaos. One of the greatest challenges leaders face is preventing their employees from feeling stuck or paralyzed in the current situation. Leaders need to shift their own energy to help people move forward in the context of opportunity, even while times are tough. This energy shift won’t happen automatically; rather, leaders must make a conscious, intentional shift. Leaders play a key role in harnessing the energy of their followers to not just ride out this current situation but to help the organization create a new reality that allows it to succeed in the future.

The Leader’s Purpose

Ultimately you will not be judged so much by how well you lead, but by how well you are followed.

The purpose of a leader is to engage others to commit their full energy toward the creation of value and success. Followers show up every day with energy, be it positive, negative, or somewhere in between. They choose the degree to which they give their energy to their job, customers, and coworkers. Key to leadership is engaging followers to choose to commit their full energy. Consider the statistic that, on average, (a whopping) 69% of employee satisfaction and performance is attributable to the action of the work unit leader. Leaders play a unique role with each one of their followers, and it can be a powerful one that ultimately erodes or contributes to the creation of value and success for the organization, its customers, the work team, and leaders themselves.

So how do leaders best contribute to, not erode, the creation of value and success?

Character-Based Leadership—
Essence and Form Needed to Harness Full Energy

Character-based (or essence) leadership refers to what is at the core; those qualities of a leader that are driven from the inside out. Essence is about purpose, values, beliefs, and vision. It is who the leader wants to BE to his or her followers—the example the leader wants to set. Form refers to what a leader DOES—behaviors and actions taken that demonstrate leadership competencies and often are driven by organizational rules and policies. Form comes from the outside in. It is the image or persona the leader creates.

While both essence and form are important, they need to be in balance. Often, if there is no integration between essence and form, a credibility gap appears and trust becomes an issue. Integrity is the integration between who one is and what one does—essence and form.

This idea of essence and form opens a dialogue with leaders—such as the true story cited below—to discover, define, and declare their leadership.

Based on a leadership foundation of declared philosophy, purpose, values, beliefs, strengths, and vision, character-based leadership requires an intentional shift in setting an example from the inside out. And that takes a large dose of both resiliency and courage. Let’s explore these notions further.

Resiliency—Pathfinding and Stewardship

What comes to mind when you think of fabric that is resilient? Something that is flexible yet durable? Elastic yet tough? Similarly, a resilient leader needs to strike a balance between being flexible and durable—in other words, between pathfinding and stewardship.

As Pathfinders, leaders are expected to continually change or renew that part of the organization for which they are responsible, working on ways to make things better, more effective, or different. Pathfinding calls for taking followers to a place they would not go by themselves.

On the other hand, in volatile, fast-paced times, people yearn for some form of constancy. They won’t find it in the marketplace; they won’t find it in most organizations. So where should they look for it?

The answer: They should look to the leader. As Stewards, leaders are expected to protect constants—what doesn’t change. In the midst of organizational and marketplace change, employees will want to see a set of enduring tenets that do not change. These tenets include a leader’s philosophy, purpose, deep values, strengths, and vision. These are a leader’s essence qualities—the example the leader wants to set.

These two roles may seem paradoxical, but they really aren’t. The path is “how” you get there; this can and will constantly change. But “who” you are and what you stand for stays the same. If you believe in it, you stand by that.

Tom Roth

Tom Roth是Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc.(美国)的首席运营官和Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc.(日本)的总裁,他拥有40多年的人力绩效提升解决方案开发和实施的经验,负责Wilson Learnin全球集团的战略方向和业务绩效。此外,他还领导全球营销服务和解决方案研发部门,负责所有解决方案和价值主张白皮书的研发。他在员工敬业度、领导力发展、战略调整和业务转型相关领域,为全球的领导团队提供协助。在担任现任职务之前,他曾担任全球研发和解决方案研发部门总裁,也曾担任Wilson Learning Corporation的总裁。

Tom Roth在开发和实施人力绩效提升解决方案领域拥有丰富的经验。他合著了《如何使企业重新找回活力》(英文原文),《创建高性能团队》(英文)的,并在众多商业出版物上发表过文章。他是一位在国内、国际会议和客户活动上活跃的演讲者,涉及内容广泛,其中包括:领导力、员工参与度、变革和战略实施。